- Pornography
- Gambling
- Violent
- Bad SocialEffect
The best technique to block use a default block to limit from bad site. How to set this block using default menu as follows:
- On tools menu, choose “internet option,” then choose “contain” then on the contain advisor choose “enable.”
- Then we can select as we want as the advisor show every time you search for adult or bad site.
The other way we can use a parental control software for this purpose, there are many free parental software to download and also many paid software for this purpose. As example can use the link below to get your free software:
- ParentalControlBar from http://www.parentalcontrolbar.org/
- Crawler Parental Control from http://www.crawlerparental.com/
- NAOMI Family Save Internet can be downloaded on http://www.download.com/3004-2162_4-10520304.html
- http://www1.k9webprotection.com/
- Naomi & K9WebProtection dari situs DEPKOMINFO
- Manual Naomi & K9WebProtection dari situs DEPKOMINFO
- Safe Families free Software Internet Filtering & Parental Control .
- Reveal a free program for finding if porn files are stored on your computer.
- File Sharing Sentinelfree parental control tool for blocking file-sharing programs.
- SurfPass free version of the SurfPass filter, which also allows time limits, logging, etc.
- B Gone free web filter based on keywords list.
- NoWorrys allows access to trusted sites (list) only.
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